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Mai multe despre mine

Salutare! Sunt Rima Calancea, și sunt trainer, antreprenor și hipnoterapeut specializat în terapia traumelor din copilărie prin hipnoză regresivă.

Prin proiectele pe care le inițiez și le conduc, mă dedic complet să te sprijin să-ți atingi potențialul maxim, începând de la lucrul cu tine însuți. Cred cu tărie că totul începe din interior și se reflectă în exterior. De aceea, mă implic personal alături de tine în călătoria ta de creștere oferindu-ți traininguri, sesiuni individuale, workshopuri și alte activități care să-ți faciliteze transformarea și dezvoltarea personală.

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Ce spun cei care mi-au fost alături

Dan Mocanu
Dan Mocanu@danmocanu
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I have known Rima for a few years now, and I was pleasantly surprised by her passion for transforming the status quo and making people’s lives better in any way she can. She is an early adopter of the Blue Ocean Strategy and value creation. Like a crusader dedicated to the cause, she helped me launch the Blue Zygote Inception Lab for entrepreneurs in record time. Nothing can deter Rima from what she deems a worthy cause. The materials, videos, and content that she provided were outstanding and fully aligned with the core mission of the new product. She is one of those angels on Earth who wants to help all and make us all feel love. Anyone working with Rima has struck gold—a wonderful human being and an outstanding professional.
Mihaela Sava
Mihaela Sava@mihaela-sava
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Despre Rima numai cuvinte de lauda. Este foarte determinata și un profesionist foarte bun, de incredere. Oricand m-as lasa pe mana ei pentru terapie...o recomand cu mare drag!!
Adela Cristea
Adela Cristea@adelacristea
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I had the pleasure to collaborate with Rima as she was leading an NGO offering development programs for students. She is very creative and energetic, with a very high level of commitment in everything she does. One of her strong points is the ability to connect and communicate easily with people with very different backgrounds, as well as her work ethic. I think she would be a great asset for any organisation.
Rareș Mară
Rareș Mară@raresmara
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Rima is very passionate and she is taking work seriously! She has a good work ethic, you can expect good service and kindness. We've been project partners in the past and her dedication is something hard to find nowadays.
Petrică Hreniuc
Petrică Hreniuc@hreniuc
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She's cool, she's professional, and she's the type of person you'd want to have on your side in your team. She's got meaningful things to say and great ideas to build upon. You rock, Rima!
Denis Pavlović
Denis Pavlović@denispavlovic
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Meet Rima, the perfect blend of professionalism and personality. She's known for her captivating training sessions, where she's not just an expert but also a friend you'd love to have. Off-duty, Rima is all about genuine connections and positive energy. Whether cracking jokes in a session or chatting over coffee, she leaves a lasting impression wherever she goes.🤝
Bogdan Vaida
Bogdan Vaida@vaidab
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Rima Calancea participated in our training programs and she has excelled remarkably in this area. She is exceptionally adept at adapting to what's needed in any situation, designing effective and engaging learning programs, and bringing a high level of innovation to her work. Her empathy and social skills make her an outstanding facilitator who connects deeply with participants, ensuring a meaningful and impactful learning experience. Rima's dedication and talent make her a valuable asset to any organization. I highly recommend her for her expertise, creativity, and exceptional interpersonal skills.
Cătălin Cristea
Cătălin Cristea@catalingabrielcristea
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Having worked with Rima for almost one year, I must say she is an excellent professional. I am impressed by her work ethic and communication skills. Plus, she easily adjusts to any given situation or business dynamics. But what makes her stand out is her willingness to help others. Rima, with her unwavering confidence, made me assured of the best solutions to problems at workplace even when there were few options to employ, indeed she was a shoulder to lean on. She can work efficiently in a fast-paced environment and easily handle multiple projects, always meeting deadlines and exceeding expectations. I would undoubtedly recommend Rima by all means, due to her remarkable ability to succeed, through constant passion and dedication.
Diana Cîrloganu
Diana Cîrloganu@diana-cîrloganu
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Rima is consistently on point, highly professional, and exactly the type of person you’d want to have on your team. I met Rima when I was still a student working on my thesis. Her professionalism and openness convinced me that I wanted to interview her on my chosen topic, and she didn't hesitate for a second.

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